Nazca Capital has reached an agreement for the acquisition of a stake around 75% in Caiba

Nazca Capital, a Spanish private equity firm focused in the mid-market segment– has reached an agreement (through its Fund Nazca III) for the acquisition of a stake around 75% in Caiba.
In this new stage, Caiba aims at consolidating its strong local growth gathered during the last years with its strategy focused in the continued increase of its client base, the development and innovation of new materials, products and formats and the entrance in new market segments, both at a local level as well as internationally (almost 15% of the sales come from exports). Thus, the company expects to invest in increasing capacity and reinforcing the production facilities to reach the growth plan. Caiba does not exclude the possibility of growing through the acquisition of companies that may complement its product range.
BDO and Grant Thornton have acted as advisors to Caiba and Oquendo, Uría and PWC to Nazca.