Commitment to society

We want a profitable business, supported by ethics and through relationships of mutual trust and respect

We know that companies are only sustainable in the long term when they have a purpose and can face the future with clear commitments. Companies that are capable of working with all interested parties in order to progress.

We maintain sincere dialogue with
Public administrations and regulatory bodies
Owners, executives and workforce at the company
Clients, suppliers and contractors
The local community and society around us
The power of ethics and the culture of transparency

To progress towards long term ethical management, our company has a code that establishes basic principles for behaviour for the entire workforce, from management to those who operate the plant and also involves our employees, collaborators and commercial partners. 

This is all alongside our open and transparent corporate culture, which is particularly important when it comes to ensuring compliance with our internal standards.

To collaborate with us is to have a partner that promotes ethical behaviour and long term business.

Let’s talk!


Not just words

To make sure that our code of ethics is much more than just some nice words on a document, we have implemented a management tool based on those ethical principles and standards that we have set ourselves.

This compliance management system is developed on the basis of the UNE 19601 standard.

Code of ethics (273 KB)
Certificate UNE 19601 (209 KB)
Compliance policy
Commitments, standards and principles based on our essential values.
Download (84 KB)
Social Responsibility Policy
Benchmark to favour the creation of value in a sustainable way within our scope of influence.
Download (259 KB)
Gift and donation policy
All employees at CAIBA must act with common sense, moderation and under the following principles.
Download (285 KB)