Presence of Caiba, S.A. in the medias (“El Escarabajo Verde”)

The Spanish TV channel RTVE wanted to count on Caiba on its program “El Escarabajo Verde”, released in channel tve2, last 4th of November 2019; it is related to the impact of the bottles in the environment. Caiba expressed the necessity to recuperate all the bottles lost in the bins, streets and / or great containers, since with this the market would obtain cleaner PET material for recycling. Moreover, this would involve more competitive prices against virgin PET and it would not be necessary to use so much new virgin plastic material for bottle. In Caiba, S.A. we have been incorporating recycled PET for many years in the Preforms that we manufacture, and we fully meet the needs of the European directive of bottles for 2025 and with some customers for the year 2030. But is there a real interest in recycling all the bottles? (watch full program…)